Thursday, January 10, 2019

Goddess of Fire- Embracing Change

Oh, it's all about the energy of the sun for me right now-
the heat and flames of transformation!
So potent.
I am resetting my life and addressing every area I can think of, creating long-term plans and setting things out in a methodical way. It is time to shed and burn a whole lot of things that have held me back in my past. That chapter is over and I am so open to receiving the joy and health and freedom and love of my new life. 

This is another summer journalling page and I seem to be drawn to the same colours over and over again- the colours of the sun. Working with Goddess energy as well to burn off what I am shedding in my life and to clear space for all I am welcoming.

Get Unencumbered!
Plans this year are to get rid of stuff- tonnes of stuff!
I am working towards minimalism over the next 2 years. I have so much stuff cluttering up my life and I don't need much of it at all anymore.

Get Healthy!
I am continuing with a fabulous remedial therapist I have found to heal my body and seriously considering a health coach at some point this year. I am also doing a juice cleanse to kick the year off.

Get Balanced!
I feel I have been bouncing from super stressful situation to super stressful situation for over 10 years- no more- I am going to be calm and centred and grounded. I let go of everything I have no control over and I release control for those who need to step up and take their own.

Get Stable!
I have had a late diagnosis of BPD and it is a mixed blessing, it explains a lot and is a something I would rather not have. However, I am working through a DBT workbook and have such great support and understanding from my love and I am determined to change it all now.

Get Happy!
I am creating my first ever bucket list :) It is in my art journal of course and has things I will keep doing, things I need to re-establish and new things! This year I am going to join a choir and a dance class and have started a meditation practice. If you have any good suggestions for my bucket list please leave them in the comments.

Get Excited!
Well, I already am really. I am going to buy a new van soon and deck it out as a stealth camper, long-term goal is to live in it so it has to have all I need to be safe and healthy and happy. Short term goal is to take off on lots of adventures with my love and maybe my sons if they would like but it will only seat 2 people.

Get Free!
I am no longer going to carry the weight of the world or even of my loved ones on my shoulders- a lot of my plans here are geared towards freedom. After being at home with a homeschooled single parent family for 20 years it is now my time.  I am working in a wonderfully fulfilling job with a regular pay packet and saving for a future. I have plans and goals and purpose.

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