quest is a sacred journey of consciousness, every time I do the work of Color
of Woman I become more conscious, more focused and I feel it deep in my soul.
It is metamorphosis as I am transformed from the old into the new.
am here to discover and embrace my piece of the red thread; I am here to serve
our precious Earth, the Divine Feminine and my own dreams. I am here to open myself and learn how to
bring this incredible transformative process into the sacred space I am
creating to meet my beloveds and offer them connection, creativity and safe
path I walk follows those who came before me and those who walk beside me, we
are all connected in a beautiful transformative healing community and as I
journey with my sisters I am shedding the tendency to carry too much of the
thread, I am honouring myself by recognising my limits and empowering myself to
focus just on my piece and to do it well. We are a community that can offer
much, to many, I do not have to do it all alone and this is so freeing and
community is crying out for new solutions to serious problems I feel that call
to serve my community and I am eager to do so. I will bring intentional
creativity to these people, It is a privilege and an honour I gratefully