Friday, March 21, 2014

Teaching in a Little Town

I have spent the last 15 years home with my kids, we have done loads of things in that time and as I have always homeschooled them, we have had a lot of freedom to travel and explore and do so many things together. My boys are 15 and 10 now though and much more independent so I am trying to do more for me and trying to make more of a financial contribution to our family. I don't want to have to work full time hours though as I am still homeschooling and I would love to work in the field I love so I started up my business River Girl Art.

I am quite lucky that I do get so much teaching work, I am working for the local council in an out reach program called Out of the Box, I also work in the local regional gallery and I teach at the local art club. The contract work for the gallery is a blessing I get paid regardless of how many students I have but the art club is challenging. 

I have tried teaching adults art journalling and had a fabulous small group of women last year but it petered out when life changed for these ladies so I switched to kids classes. We had 2 nice classes last year one for homeschool youth and another after school, however in the new year all the kids seem to be so busy with sports and dance and choir and all the other lovely things that take a childs fancy and I am wondering once again what I can do with the opportunity I have with the art club. It is such a great venue.

Meanwhile the wolfs at the door so I need to amp up art sales and online teaching opportunities. 

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