Friday, January 25, 2019

Reset- renew, refresh, restore

Love these colours they are scrumptious!
I am doing a 28 day cleanse right now, following Jason Vale's 28 day juice plan and it's going really well. I did this page on day 4  and filled it with my hopes and intentions on the left hand page and left the right hand side to journal when I am finished or very close to it. 

I am writing this on day 13, so pretty well midway and I have only had juice, water and herbal tea for that time. I am sure my body is loving having a break from coffee and wine and salt and fat and meat and all the other things I normally pass through my digestive system.

I have dropped quite a few kg but I am really loving the other results-
I am sleeping better than I have in years,
the swelling on my legs and feet is gone,
skin and hair are wonderful
and I feel great. 

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